Whoever recites the Ayatul Kursi every morning will be under the protection of Allah till night. Wasi’a kursiyyuhus samaawaati wal ard :Wa la ya’uduhu hifdhuhumaa wa Huwal ‘Aliyyul ‘Azim.”Īlso Read About: Manzil Dua Benefits Ayatul Kursi Dua Benefits Ya’lamu maa bayna aydiihim wa maa khalfahum: Wa la yuhituna bi shai’in-min ‘ilmihii illa bima shaa’a. Lahu maa fissamawati wa maa fil-ardi: Man zallazii yashfa’u indahuu illa bi’iznih. “Allahu laa ilaha illa Huwal Haiyyul-Qayyum: laa takhu-zuhoo sinatunw wa laa-nuwm here is a brief description of Allah in this verse that… Ayatul Kursi in Arabic And the Ayatul Kursi meaning of “The Throne”. This is probably the most famous verse in the whole ummah, it is estimated that most people know it as a protective verse. This verse is verse number 255 of Surah Baqara which is commonly called Ayatul Kursi.
The surah is named after its opening verse, which proclaims: “In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.” Ayatul Kursi Dua is a prayer that asks Allah (ﷻ) to guide people to the right path and to forgive them for their sins. It is a short, but powerful, surah that was revealed to Muhammad (ﷺ) in a night of intense revelation.
Ayatul Kursi Dua is the most recited and popular surah in the Quran.